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Selasa, 25 Oktober 2011


Selasa, 25 Oktober 2011
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Mendissable autorun adalah syarat wajib agar computer kamu gak gampang kemasukan virus.Mengapa demikian? Karena eh karena, kebanyakan virus menggunakan mediaflashdisk atau CD untuk menyebarkan diri, dan ketika kita memasukkan Flashdisk atau CD ke computer kita yang mana Flashdisk atau CD  tersebut  sudahterinfeksi oleh Virus, maka Virus tersebut akan langsung menyusup ke computerkita. Karena Virus tersebut memanfaatkan fungsi autorun pada windows yang manabila Removable Drive dimasukkan, maka Windows akan menjalankan secara otomatisdrive tersebut (Autoplay) dan Virus tidak perlu menunggu anda untukmengeksekusi dirinya, karena Windows telah menjalankan Virus tersebut secaraotomatis ketika drive ditancapkan. Tapi hal ini tidak akan terjadi bila kita sudahmendisable autorun pada windows, dan inilah cara mendisable autorun:

1.     Masuk ke Registry Editor, caranyaklik Start => Run atau windows+R, lalu ketikkan “regedit” (tanpa tandapetik)
2.     Setelah itu cariHKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
3.     Lalu klik kanan => New =>DWORD Value
4.     Dan beri nama dengan “NoDriveAutoRun”(tanpa tanda petik)
5.     Klik 2 kali pada DWORD tersebut danisi dengan nilai 3ffffff (Hexadecimal)
6.     Restart computer kamu
Nah,dengan ini autorun pada computer kamu udah didisable, sehingga computer kamulebih kuat dari serangan virus. Tapi jangan lupa juga pasang antivirus yangterupdate untuk membentengi computer kamu. Jangan lupa pake antivirus localjuga untuk memerangi virus-virus local yang makin marak dan ganas.
Semoga ini bermanfa,at buat kaliansemua, saya senang bisa berbagi ilmu dengan kalian semua. :-)

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Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2011

Biodata Daniel Raddiffe

Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2011
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Full Name: Daniel Jacob Raddiffe
Nickname: Daniel Raddiffe
TTL: Fullham, London, England, Uk, July 23, 1989
Height: 5 '6 "
Name of Father: Alan George Radcliffe
Name of Mother: Marcia Gresham Radcliffe
Citizenship: United Kingdom
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Last Education: Sussex house school london, city of london school

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Jumat, 21 Oktober 2011

Dummy Blog

Jumat, 21 Oktober 2011
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Are you including people who care about the Page Rank of your blog, if you care, you are correct to read this article. One of the ways to increase page rank, you must collect a lot of backlink. The average blogger backlink to do with the exchange link. In this way we get a backlink as well as issue a backlink. Or can also find the one way backlink with the register on the social bookmarking.

However, there is an effective way to get backlink issue without having to link our blog. With this system, the number of incoming backlink that can be greater than the exit. An easy way to do this is to create a dummy blog.

Dummy blog used to call a blog that is only used to provide backlink to the main blog. Want to know how? Simply create a blog from the hosting for free, can use a blogspot, wordpress, Drupal, etc.. Suggestions should I use blogspot, blogspot as in addition to easy quick google indexed the same, and the excess blogspot, an email can be used for many blogs.

Make a few blogs, it's how you want to create a blog, but my suggestion, gained a blog email it to 5, though not seen as google. Make an article of 20-30 articles, with the same theme with the main blog. Submit URL to google and google webmaster.
Wait until indexed by google. Once indexed, a link to your main blog. One dummy blog can be used to provide some backlink with some variations. Put on the blogroll or in the post. This way you have a one way backlink. If you can make a lot of dummy blog, can backlink count yourself how you can.
Dummy blog with the same effective link exchange, he just has other advantages. You do not need to remove the link.

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Selasa, 18 Oktober 2011


Selasa, 18 Oktober 2011
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Pernah tidak kita meninggalkan komputer, atau computer/laptop kita dipinjam oleh orang lain. Dan mungkin di computer anda terdapat data yang penting yang sekiranya anda tidak ingin data tersebut diambi oleh orang lain.Dan bisa saja seseorang dengan mudahnya mencopy data penting anda tersebut ke flashdisknya. Pastinya anda tidak ingin hal ini terjadi bukan? Waahhh… bisa berabe tuuhh kalau data penting kita jatuh ke tangan orang lain..... Tapi anda tidak perlu khawatir, anda bisa mencegahnya dengan mengikuti langkah dibawah ini.Berikut ini langkah mengamankan data dari pencurian :
1.Masuk ke Regedit ( Tekan Tombol Windows+R lalu ketik regedit)
2.Masuk ke HKEY_LOCALMACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control \
3.Klik kanan pada folder Control pilih New–>Key4. Beri nama folder baru itu dengan “StorageDevicePolicies”
5. Lalu klik kanan di folder dengan nama “StorageDevicePolicies”,lalu pilih New–>Dword
6. Beri nama “WriteProtect”
7. Klik 2x Dword dengan nama “WriteProtect” tersebut, lalu ganti ValueData menjadi 1
8. Restart Komputer andaSekarang coba anda copy sebuah file apa saja terserah dari computer ke Flashdisk, tidak bisa bukan?Nah dengan ini data anda aman dari pencurian.

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Senin, 10 Oktober 2011

Place Meta Tag in Blog

Senin, 10 Oktober 2011
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All know that meta tag are very important role in our position on search engine. If you wrong install a meta tag code, the blog will be difficult to read by google, blog and consequently we can not be the best page in the search engine.

Meta tag itself is the identity of our blog. There are many ways in which I teach senior by about the meta tags in your HTML code blog, but I will try to help you make that have not yet know how to install meta tag on the blog.

Does not need high-level techniques to make the meta tag, is very easy. To install a meta tag, you need some HTML code.

Following the steps below :

  • Login to Blogger.
  • Go to the Edit HTML page.
  • Find the following code <title><data:blog.pageTitle/></title>
  • Replace the code with the code below
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "index"'>
  • Place the code below after the code above

<meta expr:content='data:blog.pageTitle + " - Your blog description here "' name='description'/>
<meta expr:content='data:blog.pageTitle + ", Keyword 1, keyword 2, keyword 3, .... "' name='keywords'/>
<meta content='INDEX, FOLLOW' name='ROBOTS'/>
  • For example like this:

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "index"'>

<meta expr:content='data:blog.pageTitle + " - Your blog description here"' name='description'/>
<meta expr:content='data:blog.pageTitle + ", Keyword 1, keyword 2, keyword 3, .... "' name='keywords'/>
<meta content='INDEX, FOLLOW' name='ROBOTS'/>
  • Do not forget to Save Template after place meta tag. 

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Minggu, 09 Oktober 2011

Free Download Smadav SmadAV 8.7

Minggu, 09 Oktober 2011
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SmadAV 8.7 is the latest smadav have an additional database of 100 new viruses are a refinement of smadav 8.6. If smadav 8.5 has an interface that is still the same as the smadav smadav previous versions, in contrast to smadav 8.7 has a more interactive interface that appeals to users. smadav 8.7

The number of new additions in this 8.7 smadav, SmadAV 8.6: Addition of a new virus database 100, Completion SmadAV-Updater feature, especially for virus detection Ramnit, Sality, & OneLetter that spreads via USB Flash Disk. With this update smadav hopefully can produce more satisfying than scanning smadav 8.6. SmadAV

Hopefully smadav 8.7 could be useful for everything agan agan-again look. Smadav pro 8.7 download please click here. Hopefully this article can help-agan agan everything. For those who want to download smadav 8.7 please click here.

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Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2011

Biodata Hyun Bin and photo Hyun Bin

Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2011
0 komentar

Name: Hyun Bin (Hyeon Bin)
Real name: Kim Tae Pyung (Gim Tae Pyeong)
Profession: Actor and Model
Birthday: Seoul, South Korea 25-Sep-1982

Height: 184cm
Weight: 74kg
Zodiac: Libra
Blood type: B
Hobbies: Swimming, playing basketball and watching plays

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Kamis, 06 Oktober 2011

Windows7 Loader v1.8.5 Free Download

Kamis, 06 Oktober 2011
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this time Destroy 33 will share an application that continues to help me in resolving intalasi Windows 7, its name windows7 loader, the program still says my small enough, but the benefit that is given us to make the original OS, hehehhee .... This application serves as the operating system windows 7 crack, steady right this application, please just try anyway, to download the program click here

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Rabu, 05 Oktober 2011

FREE Download PCMAV 5.2 Valhalla

Rabu, 05 Oktober 2011
0 komentar
PCMAV been present the latest updates. PCMAV 5.2 comes to your computer for security and computing.
With the latest virus database ditambahnya, pcmav able to eradicate all local virus circulating in Indonesia.
Addition and update PCMAV 5.2

  • UPDATED! Added a database and 104 virus cleaner local / foreign / new variants have been spread in Indonesia. Total 4231 virus and its variants.
  • ADDED! Removal is a special engine to clean the virus completely and FakeAV-Downloader.K Seppeto widespread in Indonesia.
  • Improved! Change the name of a new variant virus was found.
  • Improved! Some minor bug fixes and improvements of internal code to ensure that antivirus PCMAV remains a pride of Indonesia.

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Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2011

Download Portable TuneUp Utilities 10.0.4000.17

Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2011
0 komentar

in the post this time, turn "10.0.4000.17 Portable TuneUp Utilities" which will be discussed bro

TuneUp Utilities Did you know?
TuneUp Utilities is a program that can help us to make our windows operating system more quickly, conveniently and safely by simply doing a few clicks.
And all the commands that we give our windows operating system, is completely safe.
Because, all the changes that we do are always monitored by TuneUp Rescue Center and can be canceled at any time.

Then features of TuneUp Utilities is what the heck?

The program also gives more choices to us.
Besides being able to make Windows a more attractive, by using themes.
TuneUp Utilities can clean up useless data from your hard disk and remove entries from the registry is also not useful.
Not only that, TuneUp Utilities able to defragment your hard disk and registry and optimize our system settings to make Windows run faster.
Most of this maintenance can be performed automatically every week by TuneUp 1-Click Maintenance.

You interested? Download here

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Kamis, 22 September 2011

Profil Avril Lavigne

Kamis, 22 September 2011
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Avril Ramona Lavigne Whibley, or more popularly known as Avril was born in Belleville, Ontario, Canada, September 27, 1984. Children of married couples John-Judy Lavigne Lavigne is a Canadian pop singer has scored the best album sales records. Not only that, the singer known for his song titled Sk8er Boi was also never won the award as a songwriter by the age of the youngest women.

Avril in singing ability is known since the age of 2 years. At that time, her mother Judy include Avril Lavigne at the competition held at the church. From there, the family began to include her in some singing competition. In 1998, the famous singer with a style of dress often using his tie to win a competition to sing the official tour of the Canadian singer, Shania Twain. Avril sang the song entitled Shania What Made You Say That.

When Avril was 16 years old, the singer who once rumored to be in a relationship with former guitarist Jesse Colburn was filed by Ken Krongard, an artist and journalist, representatives from record company Arista. Ken invited Antonio "L.A." Reid to listen to the songs of Avril disebuah Peter Zizzo's studio in New York. Furthermore, a singer who claims to love vegetarian food that complements the contract first album, Let Go.

As a singer, Avril has released the album Let Go (2001-2003), Under My Skin (2004-2006), The Best Damn Thing (2007-2011), Goodbye Lullaby (2011-present). While being a movie star, this blonde-haired woman famous for her acting in the movie Sabrina, the Teenage Witch (2002), Going the Distance (2004), Fast Food Nation (2006) and The Flock (2007).

Lavigne married Deryck Whibley, lead singer of Canadian punk-rock band, Sum 41, who was 26 years in the California coastal city of Montecito on July 15, 2006.

Stream music from a singer who never held a concert in Jakarta, Indonesia on April 4, 2005 that is the kind of Pop / Punk / Rock. But the All Music Guide and bystanders menjelakan other music that streams music Avril is a Punk, Punk-Pop, Pop / Rock, Alternative Rock, Alterrnative Pop-rock, Modern Rock and Post-Grunge. Essential to MTV, younger brother of Matt Lavigne stated, "I'm a rocker chic and not completely pop". Although he cites that the flow of music is punk, the flow of music has given a common name with punk in 1970.

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Jumat, 09 September 2011

Biodata Kim Hyun Joong

Jumat, 09 September 2011
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Real name: Gim Hyeon Jung 
Profession: Actor and singer (SS501) 
Tgl.Lahir: June 6, 1986 
Height / weight: 180cm/68kg 
Gol.Darah: B 
Zodiac: Gemini 
Education: Kyonggi University 
Hobbies: Playing guitar, piano and dance 
Television Drama: Boys Before Flowers (KBS2, 2008) 
Spotlight (MBC, 2008) 
Hotelier (TV Asashi, 2007, ep.7)
Love Can Be refilled (KBS2, 2005 

Nonstop 5 (MBC, 2005, ep.208)

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Kamis, 08 September 2011

complete data Cristiano Ronaldo

Kamis, 08 September 2011
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Name: Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro

Born: Funchal, Portugal February 5, 1985

Position: Left Wing / Right, foward

Club: Manchester United, Real Madrid (now)

Squad Number: 9


* Club Andorinha

* The club CD Nacional (1995)

* The club Sporting CP, 25 games, 3 goals (1999-2003)

* Manchester United, 134 games, 36 goals (2003-2009)

* National Teams Portugal, 48 games, 19 goals (2003 - present)

* Real Madrid, 7 games, 6 goals (2009-present)


* FA Premier League, Manchester United (2006 - 2007)
* FA Cup, Manchester United (2004)
* Football League Cup, Manchester United (2006)
* Community Shield, Manchester United (2007)
* PFA Player of the Year 2007
* PFA Young Player 2007
* PFA Players Favorites Best 2007
* PFA Premiership Team Of (2005-2006,2006-2007)
* The award of the Football Writers Association '(2007)
* Barclays Player of the Season (2006-2007)
* Barclays Player of the Month (November 2006, December 2006)
* PFA Fans' Player of the Month (October 2006, February 2007)
* Player of Manchester United (2006-2007)
* Sir Matt Busby Player of the Year (2006-2007)
* Player of Portugal (2007)

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Minggu, 04 September 2011

download linux ubuntu 9.04

Minggu, 04 September 2011
0 komentar

Linux, the operating system that can be said of this one was pretty good because it provides the operating system open source and free, why is said to be good?? since the middle of the expensive operating system such as AppleTalk (MacOS) or windows, linux as against the tide of commercialization is to eliminate their products. "Linux, good yah? OS is good" (to quote one of the mobile advertising services products) hhe,,
on this occasion I will share a link for anyone who want to download the file. iso 9:04 ubuntu linux for free, legal, and faster because of its servers in Indonesia, this is addressed to the linux lovers throughout Indonesia and to anyone who wants to try this latest version of ubuntu vent a bit about the download process that I experienced, I am actually quite sorry as well, because when downloading do not use the Internet download manager, download acclerator fastest (not to have? click here), finished the download process that I experienced not so fast, about 2 hours more with download size 600 MB is more, therefore I suggest to whoever is willing to do the activity should gunakanan IDM download. 9:04 ubuntu file is later shaped image file (. iso) that if you can directly extract using winrar or if you want to directly burn to CD / DVD is fine, well you're curious about it? eager to try, right? okay please check: 9:04 ubuntu linux download link and choose the Ubuntu-desktop-i386.iso 9:04-if your computer is powered-i386 or Ubuntu-desktop-amd64.iso 9:04 if your computer is powered AMD 64bit.

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Jumat, 28 Januari 2011

perangkat jaringan WAN

Jumat, 28 Januari 2011
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Infrastruktur WAN (Wide Area Network)

Seperti LAN (Local Area Network), Terdapat sejumlah perangkat yang melewatkan aliran informasi data dalam sebuah WAN. Penggabungan perangkat tersebut akan menciptakan infrastruktur WAN. Perangkat-perangkat tersebut adalah :

* Router
* ATM Switch
* Modem and CSU/DSU
* Communication Server
* Multiplexer
* X.25/Frame Relay Switches


router.gifRouter adalah peningkatan kemampuan dari bridge. Router mampu menunjukkan rute/jalur (route) dan memfilter informasi pada jaringan yang berbeda. Beberapa router mampu secara otomatis mendeteksi masalah dan mengalihkan jalur informasi dari area yang bermasalah.

Switch ATM

atmswitch.gifSwitch ATM menyediakan transfer data berkecepatan tinggi antara LAN dan WAN.

Modem (modulator / demodulator)

modem.gifModem mengkonversi sinyal digital dan analog. Pada pengirim, modem mengkonversi sinyal digital ke dalam bentuk yang sesuai dengan teknologi transmisi untuk dilewatkan melalui fasilitas komunikas analog atau jaringan telepon (public telephone line). Di sisi penerima, modem mengkonversi sinyal ke format digital kembali.

CSU/DSU (Channel Service Unit / Data Service Unit)

CSU/DSU sama seperti modem, hanya saja CSU/DSU mengirim data dalam format digital melalui jaringan telephone digital. CSU/DSU biasanya berupa kotak fisik yang merupakan dua unit yang terpisah : CSU atau DSU.


infotypes.gifSebuah Multiplexer mentransmisikan gabungan beberapa sinyal melalui sebuah sirkit (circuit). Multiplexer dapat mentransfer beberapa data secara simultan (terus-menerus), seperti video, sound, text, dan lain-lain.

Communication Server

Communication Server adalah server khusus “dial in/out” bagi pengguna untuk dapat melakukan dial dari lokasi remote sehingga dapat terhubung ke LAN.

Switch X.25 / Frame Relay

Switch X.25 dan Frame Relay menghubungkan data lokal/private melalui jaringan data, mengunakan sinyal digital. Unit ini sama dengan switch ATM, tetapi kecepatan transfer datanya lebih rendah dibanding dengan ATM.

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